Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pear Tree

So, let's get ready for roommate rant number 3, I believe?  Deep breath, and...

I have never in my life met such an arrogant, narcissistic, pain in the ass. Never before have I met another person that could so disregard another human's plight the way that my current roommate can.  Oh, for months I deluded myself into thinking that everything was okay, that it was fine that she didn't get these social niceties, like being quiet, and letting another person sleep when they have only had an average of four hours per night for the past week and a half.  

But she has lived in America now for six years, and I was just deluding myself.  Never before have I met someone who just didn't get other humans on that basic instinctual level that she doesn't.  Now, I am not the best person in the world to be speaking of people who don't understand other people - because, let's face it, I understand very little about human nature and human interactions that it isn't even funny.  I do, however, know very well how to fake it.  I know that when another person is angry, you don't antagonize them, unless I am really itching for a fight - and generally it isn't the verbal kind.  

Let's list all the different ways that Current Roommate is on the verge of driving me to madness, shall we?  

1. Disrespects, on a daily basis, my country.  Bitch, you've been living here for six years; you are taking the citizens test soon.  You are almost American so shut your fucking gob about how terrible America is.  Go back to Bulgaria if you don't like it.  Know your audience, obviously.  When you are around someone who is an American, you don't go around bashing America for the way they treat their elderly, or how rude we are.  Because, let's face it, you aren't exactly the epitome of common courtesy. Especially, as you are saying this, we are eating dinner and you will not look up from your phone. If that isn't rude, then I have no idea what is.

2. Does not know how to apologize.  Keeps me up half the night, then wakes me early the next morning?  No way is she going to apologize for that.  And if I dare to be mad about that, then that is just me being a stupid American, isn't it?  The few times she has apologized, it was condescending and mean.  So you know what? Fuck you too. 

3. No time management skills.  This one really gets my blood boiling.  She goes out, has a good time, is on Facebook every chance she gets, yet complains when she can't go to bed early because she hasn't started her work until 12 at night.  And then, says things like, "Oh, I'm so jealous that you get to have fun!" or "You're so lucky you don't have as much work as I do."  Seriously?  I work all afternoon and evening to get things done early so I can have some free time.  It isn't my fault you are a fucking idiot.

5. Got picked for the RA job that I desperately wanted.  Now, this isn't really her fault - we are a liberal arts college and I am a white girl from Maine; obviously I'm not going to get the job when there are foreign students applying.  What pisses me off, however, is that she will not let it go.  She keeps making offhanded comments about all this stuff she has to do, and how excited she is about having a single, and whatnot.  Especially when she told me, when she was applying, that she was going to spend very little of her time in the room and was not going to answer the door after 12 at night. 

Aaand, breathe.  I need to gather my thoughts a little more for the rest, and I just really needed to bitch about it because I was getting a little manic, unfortunately.  And there is still a month left to the term.  This will be interesting.